The Lake District Guide

Lake District Photography: Gallery Page 1

Our aim here is to reproduce some of the most evocative and atmospheric photographs of the Lake District. You're very welcome to submit your photographs whether you're a commercial or amateur photographer. (And we'll include a link back to your website, if you have one, provided you also link to us.) Contact:

Other pages of Lakeland photographs:

Lake District Photography Gallery Page 1

Lake District Photography: Gallery Page 2

The English Lake District: prize winners of the 2009 photography competition

Lake District Photography Competition 2007

Lake District Photography Competition 2006

Steve Walby Wild Cumbria - Photos of the Lakes

Andrew Stannard - Evocative and atmospheric photos of the Lakes

New Focus is a stunning gallery of landscape photography - available as prints and greetings cards - by John Patrick, who offers stunningly beautiful shots of the Yorkshire Dales, North York Moors and the English Lake District.

See his work here.

Jason Chambers Photography

Click here to find out how he could record
your Lakes Mountain Bike Adventure!

Steve Walby Photography

Steve is available for commercial work or commissions: his website can be found at and more of his work is in the gallery here.

Photo by Lee Wright of Rydal Water

Photo by Lee Wright of Rydal Water

Castle Crag

Tarn on Pike O'Blisco with Langdale Pikes behind

Bridge Between Wrynose and Hardknott Pass

Looking down the Sharp Edge Helvellyn

Striding Edge on Helvellyn

Ridge Walking on Blencathra

Blencathra Bassenthwaite

Crummock Water



Fleetwith Pike

Crummock Water panorama

Wastwater Screes

Bassenthwaite from Whinlatter




Coniston Blue



Coniston Reflections

Great Gable

Stockley Bridge

Drystone Gap

Dalemain House Pond

Angle Tarn

The Hobbit Shires?

Blea Tarn


Clough Head

Tree on Cumbria Way

Sharp Edge

For great photography of the Lakes and other parts of the world, you might like to have a look at these websites:

Robert Grange is a professional photographer who offers a wedding service - and a very high quality one, judging by the images on his website - and also undertakes commissions and bespoke assignments.

It's such a pleasure that gifted photographers take the time to post their images on the web, and even more that they offer some prints for sale. Have a look at John's Photo box page, and see if you can find a print for a present for the Lake District lover in your life!

An interesting site run by Derek, a keen photographer (he gave up a career in theoretical physics for photography, so he must be keen) with some fascinating colour images and some stunning black and white images.

Ben Barden is a professional photographer, and judging by his website, he has a keen eye for the unusual edge that will make a unique shot. Highly recommended if you want a man who is experienced in meeting his clients' photographic requirements as well as all aspects of film and TV production as a scout or location manager.

Keith Wood's excellent photos are arranged thematically, which is a novel twist and certainly gives you a clear sense of different aspects of the Lakes.

Dave Coates' photographs span many areas, but he says he has a special affection for the Lakes - and it shows in the quality of his work.

Tony West's photos are breathtaking, both in their beauty and in their composition. I see from his website that he runs workshops: if you wish to find a great teacher, Tony might be your man.

Gerald England has documented his photos over the years and has a wide selection of images of interest on his website.

Beautiful England - Superb photographs showing the truly astonishing beauty of England and the other parts of Britain.